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Apple’s Next Big Update Helps Prevent the Worst Kind of Hacking

We like to think our iPhones are perfectly secure — Face ID, Touch ID, or a good passcode is all you need to keep bad actors out of your data, right? Wrong. That’s why Apple is constantly seeking out and fixing security vulnerabilities in your iPhone’s code.

With Apple’s next big iPhone update, iOS 14.5, your device will be better protected against what are known as “zero-click” attacks. These attacks are exactly what they sound like — without even needing you to click (or tap) on anything, hackers can gain entry to your iPhone, and choose to manipulate or steal your data as they see fit.

With this update, Apple is patching the vulnerabilities that would allow for a zero-click attack on iOS. The difference between an iPhone running iOS 14.5 and iOS 14.4, the previous software, is now major, since iOS 14.4 isn’t as protected against these types of attacks.

Remember, when it comes to your iPhone, always update to the latest software version available, as it will contain patches all of the known security vulnerabilities up to that point.

Cover photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels